
A little about our lectures

The lectures are presented by the Klink sisters: Tamara and Laura, 13 year old twins and by their youngest sister, Marininha, who is 10. Despite their young age, they are experienced speakers about polar topics. Daughters of photographer Marina Klink and Amyr Klink, a renowned navigator known not only for his voyages, but because he is one of the most sought after Brazilian speakers.

The sisters were born in the midst of the nautical universe and they were raised in shipyards and marinas, always close to their parents. The boats have always been the family’s favorite transportation mode. Frequent visitors of the city of Paraty, located on the Ilha Grande Bay, in Rio de Janeiro, they were brought up to view the sea “not as a limitation, but as a door to the world.”

The boat with the sisters on board always leaves from Paraty and sails to remote places, little known to man.

During the trip, the girls record their findings in logbooks, illustrated with drawings and photographs.

How it all began

One of the six trips they made to Antarctica was long. It covered part of the school year and the girls were away from school for one month. To compensate for missing the classes, the school suggested that they prepare a presentation for their classmates describing everything they had learned.

During the holiday trip the girls worked hard. They did their classwork and homework in the boat and prepared the presentation “Estudo do Meio.” – “Environmental Studies”.

The presentation to the class was a success. The sisters were immediately invited to present their work to the other grades.

A while later they were invited to talk to younger children and then to the older ones. After this they started visiting other private schools and soon afterwards, public schools. And that’s how it all began.

And it was not just a matter of luck. In fact, they speak with knowledge about subjects they are familiar with, since they were quite young. During their presentations they talk about what it is like to travel to distant lands with your parents, about the icy landscapes, and about their observation of animals struggling to survive in such extreme conditions.

Nowadays the sisters adapt their presentations according to the public attending the lecture, children or adults and they share their knowledge in public and private schools as well as in companies, clubs, social events, conferences and conventions. On these occasions they address issues such as geology, glaciology, geography and biology, always with new information. “The birds and the mammals are the favorite themes of the younger audiences, as we can learn from them how to live our own lives”, says Laura Klink.

Presentation topics

  • Vacations in Antarctica
  • The corner of the world
  • Learning to fly
  • Our responsibility in preserving the Earth
  • Our boat is our house
  • Discovering Antarctica with our parents

For more information please contact
Marina Bandeira Klink
phone: + 55 (11) 5533-7611

Click here to contact us online

Technical information

+ Description of the presentation: As 3 “Ancoras” The 3 “Anchors”

The Klink sisters have made more than 100 presentations in the past three years. Their presentations were aimed at audiences of 50 up to 500 people, gathered in schools, companies, institutions and in open events.

The Klink sisters’ presentations are preferably designed for audiences with ages ranging from 6 to 16 years old and/or families. During their lectures the three sisters talk about the unique life experiences they live with their parents (navigator Amyr Klink and photographer Marina Klink).

During their lectures, the speakers describe what they have learned on their 7 trips to Antarctica and they emphasize the surprises, discoveries, lessons learned and highlight the importance of worrying about preserving the environment.

The speakers show us that nature as we see it today will only be seen in the future if we know how to take care of it through small actions in our daily lives. The entire planet, including the marine ecosystem is harmed when we treat it with neglect – even very distant places.

Despite their young age (13, 16 and 16), the sisters emphasize the lessons learned from their observations and discoveries, that suit perfectly people of all ages.


+ Specifications

In this site you can access important contents:

  • DIARY (date, location and photos of past and future lectures)
  • TESTIMONIALS (testimonials from teachers, authors, students and images of work done at home)
  • In LECTURE – In “Sala do Professor” (Teacher’s Classroom) – the educator can access an instruction booklet of how to use the book in the classroom – This is an educational handout.

Duration of the presentation

The presentation lasts approximately 55 minutes, with 45 minutes for the presentation itself and 10 minutes for Q&A (questions and answers).

Mediator for the debate

The company will appoint a person who will be responsible for stimulating and leading the discussions, as well as moderating the length of the presentation.

Technical equipment

It is essential to provide adequate equipment for the Power Point presentation. Therefore it is necessary to provide a Power Point projection system.

Necessary equipment

  • Laptop or desktop, with Power Point software and USB input;
  • Video projector and screen (or Flat Screen Video Monitor);
  • Sound amplification system;
  • 02 Microphones: 01 with a pedestal, hand held or head set for the speakers and 01 for the questions;
  • If possible, a table or lectern to place the lecture materials and the laptop.